Silke tillsammans med Frida, ansvarig för internationalisering på ProCivitas Stockholm


Hur är det att gå i skolan i ett annat land? Det fick Belgiska eleven Silke svar på när hon genom Erasmus besökte ProCivitas Stockholm. Gratis lunch som dessutom är god och att tilltala lärarna med förnamn är två skillnader som sticker ut.

Under två veckor hade ProCivitas Stockholm äran att få vara värd åt Silke, en elev från Belgien. Silke hade genom Erasmus fått möjlighet att besöka en skola i ett annat land och vi på ProCivitas Stockholm såg det som en värdefull erfarenhet även för oss att ha internationellt besök. Under sitt besök bodde Silke hemma hos en av våra elever, Elsa.

Innan Silke åkte hem till Belgien igen frågade vi henne om vad hon tar med sig från sitt besök i Sverige.

What are the biggest differences between the Swedish and the Belgian school system?

– The biggest difference between the school systems would probably be the informality in the Swedish schools. In Belgium we really have to address our teachers as mister and miss but in Sweden you can just call them by their first name and I think that this really improves the teacher-student relationship and that it makes the teachers way more approachable for the students.

Apart from that the hours also differ a lot in Sweden, but in Belgium we have to go to school from 8:30 till 16:25 and every 50 minutes you can hear the school bell ring so I think the Belgian system is more strict and less fluid in that.

What was the best thing with the Swedish school?

– The freedom and responsibility you give to your students. One of the teachers, Johanna, told me that from the moment that they’re 18 the teachers can’t communicate with the student’s parents anymore and I believe that that really calls for a certain responsibility to pass the information on that your teachers have given you and to take those matters into your own hands, which I think is a very good preparation for university but also life in general.

What is the first thing about school that you will tell your friends at home when you come home?

– The lunch definitely! They’ll probably all be jealous to hear that you get free lunch at school, because that’s something we don’t have at our school, and on top of that the lunch was actually really good! And also the fact we were allowed to stand inside or even stay in the classroom during breaks, because during our breaks we actually have to stand outside or sit in a very crowded cafeteria, so staying inside and sitting on those comfy chairs in the hallway was such an advantage!

How was it to stay in a host family?

– Great! Elsa and her family have taken good care of me and she’s showed me around Stockholm quite well. I even had my own room at their place so, I was really provided with everything. I think it’s a great way to conduct these kind of exchanges and that it definitely does not limit you in making other friends at school as well!

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